Good afternoon ladies! It is only 18 days until Christmas and then NYE is a week after that. So, well, HECK, my Christmas shopping is done (don't hate me, but finished on 11/30 and did it ALL online this year, while drinking wine, that is the right way to shop). I have already had a great time at a great holiday party, thanks to the redhead and some good friends. And yes, there was some very nice making out at the party and later at home...Hee, Hee, yep by me with a very cute guy. I am reserving comments and judgment on him for the future. So stay tuned.
I am thinking it is time to make some New Year's resolutions. Why is it that we always do our New Year's resolutions and then end up giving up 2 months into the year? And then we just recycle them each year? I mean, I have had the same ones each year, I would love to lose 10 pounds, use my credit cards less, save more money and find a date. HMMMM, it has been like 5 years and they are still the same....
So here are a few hints. First of all, to those ladies (and gentlemen) that make a New Year's resolution to lose weight and take up all of the parking spaces, machines at the gym, or spaces in class AND then drop out after 2 months, please, let me save you the time and the money, don't come! I know as a fitness business owner, this does not make a lot of sense for me to say. But here is the deal, if you are really serious about losing weight or getting in shape, starting at a gym or class and then quitting after 2 months is NOT helping your cause. Fitness is a LIFESTYLE, you can't just expect to lose 20 pounds and keep it off in 2 months time. So here is my advice, if you are serious about losing weight, getting fit, you need to put more than 2 months time in at the gym. Plus, you will need to adjust your eating as well. Remember, only one silver bullet-Eat less, exercise more! On a side note, I keep waiting for them to find a procedure that will use a vacuum to suck some of the cellulite from my bootie to my chest. Wouldn't that be nice, redistribute without actual surgery. :)
Ok, what is the second most popular New Year's Resolution, spend less money or save more money as well. OH LORDY, this is a hard one. Trust me, I have had to try to do more with less for the last two years and I am REALLY bad at it. It takes some discipline. The best way I found to actually save money is to have it diverted from your paycheck to a savings account or automatically deposit a set amount to savings each month. Then earmark that savings account for something that you are working towards, a new house, a new car, NEW SHOES, etc. If you are disciplined enough to have a rainy day fund, more power to you. I have trouble with that one. As I said on the last resolution, it really is a lifestyle change and you have to approach it that way.
After that, I am not sure what comes next. For me, it is finding a date and I have never been very successful at that one. So if you have any suggestions for me, I would love to hear them because sadly each year I get older and older, more set in my ways. And I find that I am less likely to find someone that wants to put up with me and probably more accurately it is less likely that I will find someone that I actually would live with! My stance has always been that he might have to get his own place.
So ladies seriously, what ever your New Year's resolution is, if you really want to make a change, then you must make a commitment to change (wow, does this sound like a 12 Step Program?). Weight loss, saving money...these are not things that you can do for a few months and then just have it be fixed. These are lifestyle changes. And when we make those commitments and then fail, we feel even worse. So try not to set yourself up for failure. Enjoy the holidays, be safe, have fun and most of all BE CLASSY!
Cheers and CIAO BELLAS.
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. That's my girl Coco Chanel. Well, being the single gal in Chicago, selling and marketing luxury travel and being a Sorority Director for Gamma Phi Beta, I have a lot to say. So this blog is my random thoughts on everything on love, life, fashion, movies, fitness and beyond and advice on how to be a lady and have some class!
About Me

- Jzzrgrl
- 39 (AND HOLDING) year old single gal in downtown Chicago who loves Jazzercise, Gamma Phi Beta, friends, family, fashion, fine wine and movies. I will admit I am a SNOB about the following things: wine, coffee, handbags, shoes, cars and men.
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