Wow, I think I have used that blog post title before, but it applies to so many things, we might as well re-use it. Less cleavage, less visible panty know the usual. Hello ladies and gentlemen, were you classy over the weekend? It was the official celebration weekend of St. Patricks Day in Chicago and yes, I saw three women dressed in FULL St. Patty's Day gear at 8 AM on Saturday AM ready for their full day of drinking. I texted one friend at 8 PM to see if he was around and he was in bed since he had been drinking since 7 AM. WOW, really...I guess I am too old, I just don't see the appeal of marathon drinking all day, I would need a nap!
Well, this specific less is more is related to you gentlemen out know I have specifically addressed my male readers recently. So I thought it was about time. Last time I mentioned a classy gentlemen, Hawkeye Time, well he actually sent me a gentlemen's fashion don't (HINT HINT, LT/MB and others, you need to start sending me ladies' fashion don'ts for better information on the blog). So here it is gentlemen...when it comes to men's jewelry LESS IS MORE.

Gentlemen seriously! Ladies DO NOT think it is hot when you wear a lot of jewelry. A watch, one ring and MAYBE a cool bracelet (although that is questionable) is probably enough. And yes that ring should be your wedding ring if you are married. I know, I know, you aren't any less married if you don't wear a ring, but come on, wearing your ring shows that you are committed. And classy ladies, like JZZRGRL, know not to hit on you.
So gentlemen, rule of thumb, only TWO pieces of jewelry at a time. Period...hey, if I have a BIG pair of earrings on, I don't wear a big necklace, bracelet and ring (ladies seriously, you might want to use that same rule of thumb). So idea applies. Now granted this picture is a big over the top, but you get the drift.
So Happy St. Patricks this holiday and no I am not Irish. Have a great week...stay classy.
Cheers and CIAO BELLAS.
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