Ok, god only knows why I am quoting a Britney Spears song in my title today...well, it is applicable. So if you have read my profile, you know that I am proud to say that I am a Gamma Phi Beta (yes, Pi chapter at the University of Nebraska, go Huskers). And yes, I know that sororities get a bad rap in the movies and media. And many believe that there is no longer a place in society these days for a women's organization like dear ol' Gamma Phi (which BTW was founded in 1874 by four women at Syracuse University, who were four of the only NINETEEN women admitted to the university that year)...but between my business and my free time, my sorority is the organization that I choose to give my time back to. And SOO many of my friends ask me why...you aren't in college anymore, give it up!
Well, listen ladies, one of my life's passions is to make women better women and that is EXACTLY what Gamma Phi Beta does (shockingly, so does Jazzercise). It was a major part in scuplting the person that I am today, so I give back a lot of my time (since I don't have a lot of money to give right now) to something that is important to me. I want to help college women become better women through community service, leadership, scholarship and sisterhood. And that is simply how I choose to give back and I never apologize for it.
NOW, my message to you ladies today is simple...find something that you are pasionate about....I don't care what it is, maybe it is your church, kids, cats and dogs, disabled people, homeless people, women with breast cancer, veterans, etc. Take some of that time that you use to do useless activities (albeit it fun) like, facebook, watching TV, reading, getting pedicures, (you know all the crazy stuff we do as women) and give it to an organization or cause. And I know many of us are in a time famine, but I am sure that a local organization or cause would love to have your help for an hour a week or a few hours a month. If you have kids, pick something that you can do WITH your kids, a great way to spend time with them!
Volunteering our time and/or our money is wonderful, rewarding way to pay it forward for the good fortune that you have had in your life. And remember, organizations would love to have financial donations, but they need just as much time donations. AND another note...you don't have to give back to those that are less fortunate than you, just take my advice and give back to an organization or cause that means something to you, I will guess that eventually your work will get back to those that need it.
So, here's me on my soapbox! Imagine if you will, if every single person in the US volunteered one hour per week to an organization that meant something to them, the world would be a better place, I can GUARANTEE it!
So ladies, be classy and give back! And on a side note, finding a guy that does some volunteer work is even classier!
Cheers and CIAO BELLAS!
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. That's my girl Coco Chanel. Well, being the single gal in Chicago, selling and marketing luxury travel and being a Sorority Director for Gamma Phi Beta, I have a lot to say. So this blog is my random thoughts on everything on love, life, fashion, movies, fitness and beyond and advice on how to be a lady and have some class!
About Me

- Jzzrgrl
- 39 (AND HOLDING) year old single gal in downtown Chicago who loves Jazzercise, Gamma Phi Beta, friends, family, fashion, fine wine and movies. I will admit I am a SNOB about the following things: wine, coffee, handbags, shoes, cars and men.
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